Have that natural GLOWW

Friday, February 8, 2013

Hey guys! It's been a busy week for me since monday so I haven't really been sticking to my skin care regimen in the past couple of days. Good thing there are ways to quicken your skin care routine without compromising quality of results.

Makeup remover wipes are probably one of the best creations in the beauty industry. I love that they effectively clean your face free of makeup and dirt with just a few strokes. I know that wipes won't ever be as efficient as washing your face when it comes to cleansing but it's the closest thing you can do that doesn't require too much time and energy. So when you're dead tired at the end of the day, like I have been for the past few days, grabbing a sheet and gently wiping your face free of makeup is way smarter than sleeping on it. You may also apply cleansing milk on your face before using the wipes.

If you don't have time applying several products on your face, you may opt to try supplements that can help you achieve healthier skin. In my case, I'm planing to start using GLOWW.

These GLOWW supplements came in a box and were sealed in a foil pack for added protection. One box contains 30 capsules good for 2-4 weeks depending on how frequent you take them. They recommend 2 capsules a day for the 1st 4 to 8 weeks and one capsule a day thereafter. Each box costs Php 750 so you'll be spending Php 1,500 per month on the first 2 months and Php 750 per month afterwards. I actually got these for free from Shen's Addiction Anniversary Promo so my first 2 weeks are covered. I think it's enough time to see if they work well for me so I'll decide in the next couple of weeks whether to continue this or not.

♥ ♥ ♥

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