SEMBEM: Cosmetic Cotton

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hey guys! I just want to share with you this simple yet economical product I discovered last year and has become an essential part of my daily routine, 
the Sembem cosmetic cotton. 

Last year, I saw this on display at Landmark's beauty section, got curious and bought the smallest box just to try it out. From then on, I got hooked and I haven't used any other cotton pad. I used to buy the smallest box but I figured I can save more by purchasing the biggest box.

I love that it comes in a sturdy plastic container pretty similar to that of a wet tissue bin. The top flips off easily and the pads can be pulled out. This contains a total of 300 pads so it will definitely last for a long time. It's a little bit thicker compared to wet wipes but the fibers don't separate even when soaked. One pad is enough to apply several liquid based skin care products at a time like toner, softener or acne treatment solutions. What I also love about this pad is that you get to save more of your skin care products because a small amount is enough to soak its entire surface. 

Overall, this product rocks. You might want to give it a try because I highly recommend it to everyone. I just repurchased the biggest box for Php 124.75 and this will definitely go a long way before it runs out.

♥ ♥ ♥


  1. dark circles under eyes treatment Good information here. I will post these information to my facebook page. It is really very informative for others.

  2. hi! where can i buy this sembem? @;)


    1. Hi there, it's available in Landmark Trinoma's beauty section.
