DEXFLEX: Claire Gold Ballet Flats

Sunday, August 4, 2013

One afternoon, while I was in the bank waiting for my turn, a lady sitting across me was wearing a nice pair of gold ballet flats. My friends and I are shoe fanatics and we have a knack at knowing shoe brands just by seeing the design so imagine my frustration when I couldn't recognize hers. I spent my waiting time eyeing her shoes and trying to make out the brand. It looked like a Yosi Samra but after going through their collection, none of their designs match the shoes. Fast forward to a week later, I was window shopping in Robinson's Magnolia and saw the exact same pair of shoes in Payless Shoesource. 

Since two of my most abused pair of shoes gave in a week ago, I felt like I needed a new one for everyday use so I bought the pair of shoes made by Dexter called Claire. I've always been a size 9 but size 8 1/2 of this design seem to fit me better. 

What I love about the shoes is that it really feels so comfortable I can walk hours and not feel my feet hurt. It has a soft lining and the sole flexes in coordination with your feet. I also love that it's gold because it looks elegant but can be worn casually as well. I also like the way the glitters are isolated in front instead of all over the shoes. It has a reasonable price considering you're getting style plus comfort. Overall, this pair rocks and I will be watching out for other shoe designs from Dexter. 

How about you? Have you tried other brands from Payless Shoesource? How are they like? Share them with us on the comments section below. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful week!

 ♥ ♥ 

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