Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hey guys! I recently attended the Acne Summit 2014 by the Acne Board of the Philippines at Edsa Shangri-La Hotel. The event was sponsored by Galderma, a world renowned company specializing in research and development of dermatological solutions to restore and improve skin health. 

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There was a myriad of interesting topics tackled by our local experts in Dermatology but I won't pound you with all the details. I'll just share with you what I find interesting and helpful to properly care for your skin especially when faced with a common skin condition such as acne.

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I have my share of nightmares about acne in my early teens and I thank my dear mother for not letting me go through that ordeal on my own. She sought the help of a friend who referred me to a Dermatologist. So if you're suffering from acne, please consult a skin expert. It's always best to get the proper treatment from a professional rather than playing doctor.

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Experts also stressed that acne is multi-factorial and not solely caused by one thing. Most interestingly, one speaker even mentioned that makeup doesn't cause or aggravate acne nor does it delay treatment response. So to those concerned, you can still put on makeup! Yey!

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If you're skin is acne prone like mine, here are some useful tips to live by. Basically, your skin care products should be non comedogenic. You might want to stay away from products containing oleic acid and isopropyl ester that tend to plug your pores. Remember, oil free is not the same as non comedogenic, just make sure to check product labels carefully. Your skin care products should not worsen your acne. Emulsifiers, lanolin, fragrances and mineral oil have the tendency to do that so try to keep away from them as well.

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As for the ideal cleanser in Acne, it should be gentle, pH balanced, can sustain hydration, soothing, can control sebum, soap free and alcohol free.

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Never go out unprotected from the harmful rays of the sun. An ideal sunscreen should protect you from both UVA and UVB rays with a high SPF. 

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Most importantly, adherence to treatment plays a major impact on good outcome. Once you are given a regimen, follow it. If nothing happens, inform your doctor about it. You need to work together for best results. 

The good thing about the event? Galderma provided everyone full size bottles of Cetaphil Oil Control Foam Wash and Oil Control Facial Moisturizer with SPF 30. I'm so excited to try them and let you guys know what I think. How about you? Have you tried any of these products from Galderma? Do share your thoughts on the comments section below. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!


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