BLISTEX: Ultimate favorite lip balm

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My ultimate favorite lip balm as of today is the Blistex lip infusion moisture splash liquid lip balm. You read that right, it's a lip balm in liquid form. I am not actually that crazy over lip balms, I used to prefer tinted lip glosses that are creamy and come in tubes. But when I got a bad case of cracked lips just a month ago and tried on my usual lip gloss, my lips didn't look quite presentable. Some of the gloss I applied can be seen deep in the cracked portion of my lips and it looked scary. I wouldn't go into details about how it looked but it was really unbearable seeing it that I had to go the mall to find a suitable lip treatment. I went to Landmark that afternoon and couldn't quite make up my mind on what brand to buy. I was torn between Nivea, Carmex and Blistex. But among the array of Lip balms displayed on the counter, only one product got me curious enough to try it even if it costs higher than the rest. The Blistex liquid lip balm.

I figured it was perfect for my cracked lips since it's in liquid form, none of the product would be grossly trapped between the cracks. Problem was, there were no test products available so I realy had to buy it first to find out if it's worth the price. Well, it wasn't at all that expensive, it was only P125.00 but compared to the other lip balms it was the most expensive. Anyway, after buying, I went to the ladies room and had to try it right away not because I was excited to use it but more because my lips were so cracked and needed to be moisturized. The packaging is really impressive, it didn't look cheap at all. It has a metallic roller ball that actually feels soft and cool on your lips. It glided smoothly on my lips and the roller ball was so effective in releasing just the right amount of lip balm with every stroke. Though the lip balm was quite runny, the consistency for me is just right to really moisturize your lips without leaving a greasy feel. Over all I would say that this product is PERFECT. My lips were healed in just 2 days of using it. Though I still use my other lip balms and glosses, I still reach for my Blistex liquid lip balm whenever I feel my lips need extra care and treatment.
RATING: *****